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Interested in making money with Daan.dev?

It’s really easy. I will pay you up to 25% commission on every sale you generate using your referral link. Even recurring ones.*

All you have to do is recommend Daan.dev, or any of my products and services, using your affiliate link on your website, blog, WordPress Meetups, Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks.

Earn up to 25% commission on every sale.*

* You will receive a commission for 3 years for recurring sales.

Why Promote Daan.dev?

Daan.dev creates and offers unique, out-of-the-box solutions to speed up WordPress websites and use Google services (e.g. Google Fonts and Google Analytics) in a GDPR/DSVGO friendly manner.

I work fast and offer the best support in the market. In short, we’ll make a great team! 🙂

Last but not least, you start out by earning 15% of every sale which can be as much as € 50, – per sale!

And that’s just the beginning. As your sales increase, your commission rate increases, too!

Below is the commission structure:

  • Up to € 500, – in earnings: 15% commission
  • Over € 500, – and up to € 1000, – in earnings: 20% commision
  • € 1000, – in earnings and up: 25% commission


Your commision rates will never expire. Unless you cancel your account.

And this goes for all WordPress Premium Plugins and Optimization Services offered by Daan.dev

Affiliates are my partners, and I want them to make money, too.

Get Started as an Affiliate

Ready to make money with Daan.dev?

Fill out the form below. I manually review and approve all affiliates, so it can take up to 48 hours before you get approved.

Thank you for choosing Daan.dev’ affiliate program. If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Commission Details

Payments are sent on the 15th of each month whenever you’ve reached € 75+ in earnings.
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