Originally, Additional Fonts was an add-on for OMGF which brought back the ability to install additional Google Fonts i.e. the feature removed from OMGF in v4 and higher.
Now, Additional Fonts for OMGF is better, faster and stronger than it’s v3 predecessor. Although I’m not sure it can actually lift weights — or anything, actually — it does offer waaay more features!
Looking for OMGF Pro?
OMGF Additional Fonts is an add-on for OMGF (free) and allows you to add additional fonts to your WordPress configuration for use in e.g. CSS stylesheets, etc. If you’re looking to unlock OMGF (free)’s Pro features, purchase OMGF Pro instead.
Features & Improvements
- New-and-improved search bar, with Auto Complete and Filter options.
- Improved UX providing a clear, step-by-step interface to compose your Google Fonts download queue and CSS stylesheet.
- Remember how in v3 you had to remove fonts from the list of Available Styles? Now you just check the load boxes for the fonts you want. This makes it easier to make changes at a later moment.
- Preload font styles used above the fold.
- Replace any Google Fonts optimized by OMGF with your own and include a (optional) Fallback Font Stack.
- Easily download your fonts and generate the stylesheet with just one click on the Save & Download button.
Upgrading from OMGF v3?
Some of you didn’t want to upgrade OMGF until this add-on was available. That’s why I included a migration script, which can be easily triggered from within the plugin’s settings tab.
Keep in mind that OMGF v3 didn’t differentiate between fonts added through Auto Detect and fonts added by using the Search Bar. If you were using both simultaneously in v3, the migration script will migrate both of them into Additional Fonts. Be sure to leave previously auto detected fonts unchecked from the download queue to prevent loading the same font twice.
How does it work?
Installing additional Google Fonts into your WordPress configuration with OMGF Additional Fonts is easy!

After installing OMGF Additional Fonts (which is an add-on for OMGF, so make sure that (free) plugin is installed as well) an Additional Fonts tab is added to OMGF’s setting screen.

Simply start adding the Google Fonts of your choice by typing the name in the search box. As you type, an auto-complete list appears navigating you to your choice. Easy, right?
The greatest thing is, you can add as many fonts as you like! Confirm your choice by either hitting enter or clicking on the font name and repeat.
Once you’ve made your choice, click List Subsets, make your selection of subsets you’d like to use for the fonts and click List Styles.
This is where the magic happens…!
In the Available Styles section you can decide which styles of your chosen Google Fonts to load, and:
- Choose to Preload font styles that’re used above-the-fold to reduce Cumulative Layout Shift,
- Replace existing Google Fonts (optimized by OMGF) with any Google Font of your choice.
- Define a Fallback Font Stack when you replace a font-family to further reduce Cumulative Layout Shift.
Example: changing the look of TwentySixteen
In this example, we’ll give the rather boring TwentySixteen theme a little bit more pizzaz.
First, we make sure TwentySixteen’s included Google Fonts are optimized by OMGF. Go to the Optimize Fonts tab and hit Save & Optimize. After that, OMGF’s Task Manager should look like this:

Now, let’s head back to the Additional Fonts tab and get this party started!
Let’s assume the following configuration:
- Search Fonts: Playfair Display and Jost
- Available Subsets: Latin for both
- Available Styles:
- Playfair Display: load 400 and 700, Replace Montserrat and set Arial as Fallback Font Stack.
- Jost: load 300, 400 and 700, Replace Merriweather and Inconsolata and set Georgia as Fallback Font Stack.
Hit Save & Download.

That was easy, wasn’t it?
This plugin is awesome, and the customer service is the absolute best. The plugin is consistently updated. If there are questions or issues, the service is fast, friendly, and reliable. I received support several times for my multisite use, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome and my purchase. Love it!
I have used OMGF for over a year, but the latest version with the Additional Fonts feature is so awesome. It bugged me to no end that the Google font that was large and in my header would first load a standard font and then my Google font subjecting my visitors to an obvious font loading change. Not any more! Load my home page and boom….there is my special Google font with no switch-a-roo with a placeholder font. So smooth! So awesome! So fast!
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