
How to show only Visible/Active Products in Product Count

Magento’s integrated function getProductCount() also counts invisible/inactive products. If your theme displays product counts next to each category (e.g. in the top menu or category blocks), this can be very confusing for your customer.

If your category product count shows 10 products, but 6 are set to invisible. Your customer wil end up very disappointed to see only 4 products in the product list.

Today I will show you how to display only visible/active products in your Magento theme’s category product count.

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Return total number of

Sometimes you run into tiny idiosyncracies in Magento templates. It makes you question many things. Such as: why would a theme developer choose to only show the total amount of different types of products in the minicart.phtml?

Today I’m showing you different ways to return the total amount of items in your customer’s shopping cart for usage anywhere within your store’s template.

Return total number of Read More »

Redirect Simple Products to Configurable Parents with Options Preselected

Recently I met quite a challenge while building an extension for Magento. By default, the urls of simple child products whom belong to a configurable parent are answered with a 404. This behaviour can be easily overridden with a small extension.

Our client wanted to take it a step further. Today we will build an extension that redirects URLs of simple products to their configurable parents with options preselected.

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Get Total Price of Cart Including/Excluding VAT/Tax in Magento Minicart Widget

A quick post here, which is more of a note to myself, because I’ve just spent one hour digging through methods for this. If you want to display the total price including or excluding VAT in Magento, using strictly methods already integrated in Magento, use the below code to call these in a pre-formatted way.

The code displayed below you can use save the output to a variable (e.g. $grandTotal or $subTotal) and manipulate it. You can also use it to display (echo) the output anywhere on your page (e.g. minicart.phtml). Which is what I used it for.

Get Total Price of Cart Including/Excluding VAT/Tax in Magento Minicart Widget Read More »

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