Deactivating a License

Last updated on 12 April 2022

Deactivating a License

There are several reasons why you’d want deactivate a site on your license, e.g.:

  1. After migrating to a different domain,
  2. After nuking a development or staging domain or,
  3. You want to use your plugin on another WordPress install.

There are two methods to deactivate a site on your license:

1. Deactivating a Site from within the FFW.Press License Manager

The easiest way to deactivate a site on your license is when the FFW.Press premium plugin is still installed on the WordPress install you’d like to deactivate:

  1. Open the admin area of the WordPress install you’d like to deactivate and navigate to the FFW.Press License Manager,
  2. Click ‘Deactivate License’ next to the corresponding license key.


2. Deactivating a Site from within your Account Area

If you’ve already removed the plugin, you can still deactivate any site on your license from within your Account Area on this website:

  1. Make sure you’re logged in, and
  2. Navigate to the License Keys screen.
  3. Click on Manage Sites next to the license key you wish to manage.
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