Installation & Configuration

Last updated on 2025-01-22 20:52:40

After your purchase the following is available from within your account, for which you’ve received credentials in a separate email sent to the email address you used during checkout:

  • A download link to the purchased plugin(s),
  • Your license key(s).

You should also have received an order confirmation containing the above mentioned information. (Make sure you check your spam folder)

Installation & Configuration

After downloading the above mentioned files, follow these steps to install the plugins:

German speaking visitors can also watch this YouTube video by WPerfolg for a clear step-by-step explanation on how to install my premium plugins (OMGF Pro in this example).

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Click on Upload Plugin at the top of the screen.
  3. Click Browse… and navigate to where you saved the zip files from the plugins you've purchased.
  4. After the upload is completed, click Activate Plugin.

Can't activate the plugin?

Some premium plugins are add-ons for free plugins available in the repository. The free plugin needs to be installed and activated before you can activate your premium plugin. Some examples:

  1. OMGF Pro requires OMGF to be installed and activated first
  2. CAOS Pro requires CAOS

Now, your premium plugin is installed. Next up, activating your license.

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