Advanced Settings

Last updated on 2022-07-22 20:54:02

OMGF (Pro)’s advanced settings offer ways to fine-tune its behavior and make it work with your specific configuration, e.g. when you’re using a CDN.

Fonts Cache Directory

By default, OMGF uses WordPress' uploads directory. OMGF Pro adds multisite support, and stores generated files separately for each site in the corresponding uploads-folder, e.g. /wp-content/uploads/sites/0)

Modify Source URL (Only available in OMGF Pro)

Use this option to modify the src attribute of each defined @font-face element in the generated stylesheet. When modifying this option, make sure you enter the full path to where the downloaded font files are served from.

This option makes OMGF Pro flexible enough to work with the most exotic configurations out there. Some examples:

Configure OMGF Pro to use your CDN URL

If your CDN’s URL is and OMGF Pro’s font files are stored in /wp-content/uploads/omgf, then the value to enter here is

Configure OMGF Pro to only use the Relative Path in the stylesheet

When you’re developing a website on another server, using a different URL, it’s best to make OMGF Pro generate the stylesheet using Relative URLs. This will save you a headache when migrating the website to its production environment.

A relative path is the path defined after the domain. If your site’s staging URL is and OMGF Pro’s font files are stored in /wp-content/uploads/omgf then you can configure OMGF Pro to only use relative paths while generating the stylesheet by entering the following value: /wp-content/uploads/omgf.

Configure OMGF Pro to serve font files from alternate paths (using e.g. Nginx/Apache rewrites, etc.)

Some security plugins (e.g. WP Hide) use obscurity to secure your WP install. This basically means making the WordPress’ folder names (e.g. wp-content, uploads, themes, etc.) unrecognizable to visitors. You can use the flexibility of the Fonts Source URL option to make OMGF Pro work with these configurations.

Let’s say your security plugin rewrites requests to /app to /wp-content and requests to attachments are rewritten to uploads and OMGF Pro stores its fonts in /wp-content/uploads/omgf. This would mean that the path OMGF should use in the stylesheet is /app/attachments/omgf.

Divi/Elementor Compatibility (default: on)

Because Elementor and Divi don't use unique identifiers for each Google Fonts stylesheet they generate, OMGF contains specific compatibility fixes for these plugins. This option is enabled by default and does no harm to websites not running Divi and/or Elementor.

With this option enabled, the length of the Google Fonts API request is used as a unique identifier to make a difference between each Google Fonts stylesheet requested by Divi/Elementor.

If at a certain point you feel OMGF (Pro) is generating too many stylesheets, then this means your site is using that many variations. This is bad for performance. To fix this, do the following:

  1. Configure your homepage to include the fonts you want to use throughout your website, 
  2. Empty OMGF's cache directory, 
  3. Disable Divi/Elementor compatibility, 
  4. Hit Save & Optimize.

The stylesheet used on your homepage will now be used throughout your entire website, regardless of which fonts are configured on other pages.

Debug Mode (default: off)

Only enable this option when asked by me (Daan, i.e. the developer of the plugin) or if you know what you're doing. For more information about debuggin in OMGF (Pro), click here.

Remove Settings/Files At Uninstall (default: off)

If you want to uninstall the plugin and all of it’s files and settings, check this setting and save changes, before removing the plugin.

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