Recently I released v1.3.0 of CAOS Pro, which includes another, very exciting reason for you to upgrade: Super Stealth Upgrade is now 10 – 15x times faster than Stealth Mode Lite.
Without getting too technical, I’d like to show you how it works.
Oh, and there’s a promotion at the bottom of this post.
Making Super Stealth Faster: The Challenge
Since the beginning, Stealth Mode Lite was struggling with one challenge: it was slow under adverse conditions.
Depending on the speed of your server, the size of your WordPress instance (including Plugins and theme) and the internet connection of your visitor(s), the entire process — sending the data thru the Stealth Mode API to Google’s Measurements Protocol — could take up to 2 seconds.
Luckily, it would run asynchronously. Which means, it didn’t block the page from rendering.
Still, I felt it should be faster.
(Not) Pointing Fingers
Coming up with the solution was actually quite challenging, because the main reason why Stealth Mode was slow, wasn’t a matter of terrible coding skills.
Nope. It was WordPress.
Now, you have to understand that I’m not pointing fingers — WordPress — but it’s obviously not my fault — but WordPress’.
Kidding aside, no one is to blame. These ‘flaws’ are inherent to building upon a framework.
CAOS is a WordPress plugin, so it’s dependent on WordPress. Stealth Mode Technology is a function in CAOS, so it’s dependent on WordPress.
I.e. for CAOS and Stealth Mode Technology to work, the WordPress framework needed to be loaded first.
But, my mother always said: if someone is slowing you down, separate.
Doing The Bare Minimum
Since v3.4.0 CAOS allows developers to easily extend Google Analytics with plugins.
Stealth Mode is one of these plugins and is listed under the tab ‘Extensions’.
CAOS supports two types of plugin handling out of the box:
- Safe Mode, and
- Experimental.
Since v1.3.0, Super Stealth Upgrade adds its own plugin handling to CAOS, conveniently called:
- Super Stealth Upgrade.
Once enabled, it creates a tiny (~3KB) file, which contains exactly what’s necessary for CAOS to communicate with Google Analytics. Nothing more, nothing less.
If WordPress is a house, consider Super Stealth a well built shed. It does the bare minimum, and it does it well.

Now, Super Stealth Upgrade for CAOS doesn’t only bypass all Ad Blockers, it does it much faster than Stealth Mode Lite. Almost as fast as a regular call to Google Analytics’ Measurements API (~25ms)
Super Stealth, and Speed, and… Goodies!
Because I’m very proud of my invention and I have a bunch of things to celebrate, I’m offering a discount until the day my daughter is born. She’s expected to be born around the beginning of July! 🙂
Use the link below to get 20% off any license for CAOS Pro. This means you can now get a license for as low as € 19,-!
(The 9th of July our beautiful daughter Emma was born. But this link remains valid forever.)
Experience Stealth Mode 10 – 15x faster and bypass all Ad Blockers. Purchase your copy of CAOS Pro today.